Beethoven the Dog Wiki
This article is about the character. For the first film, look here.

Beethoven is a St Bernard dog and the adopted pet of George Newton's family.

He has also being under the care of Richard, George's brother, and his family. George's kids named him after the famous composer, Ludwig Van Beethoven, after he barked at Emily, George's youngest daughter, playing Beethoven's fifth symphony on piano.

He is also the mate of another St Bernard named Missy, as well as the father of their puppies, Dolly, Tchiavosky, Moe and Chubby.

Beethoven (film)[]

As a puppy, Beethoven was originally in the care of a Doktor Pet Centre in Valley Vista, until someone would adopt him.

Unfortunately, not many people seemed to be interested in adopting him, and when they were, he would put them off.

Later that night, two crooks broke into the pet centre stealing all the dogs including Beethoven who managed to escape from their van with help from another dog named Sparky.

Lost and alone, Beethoven wandered around a neighbourhood before falling asleep in a knocked over garbage can.

The next morning, Beethoven is woken up by garbage men grabbing garbage and begins exploring the neighbourhood eventually ending up at the Newton's residence where he sees George who is annoyed at the newspaper boy for sloppily delivering his newspaper which got blown all over the front yard.

Beethoven went into the house unnoticed by George.

Beethoven's 2nd[]

He meets Missy.

Beethoven's 3rd[]

He travels with Richard Newton's family.

Beethoven's 4th[]

Beethoven misbehaves for Richard and the family so he goes to an obedience school where he gets mixed up with another St. Bernard named Micheal Angelo and they swap lives.

Beethoven's 5th[]

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  • Beethoven
  • Beethoven's 2nd
  • Beethoven's 3rd
  • Beethoven's 4th
  • Beethoven's 5th

TV series[]

Cartoon Beethoven

Insert details here.

Other Beethoven[]

Beethoven's Big Break[]

Insert details here. (Beethoven's Big Break)

Beethoven's Christmas Adventure[]

Insert details here. (Beethoven's Christmas Adventure)

Beethoven's Treasure Tail[]

Insert details here. (Beethoven's Treasure Tail)

Behind the scenes[]

  • The St. Bernard who played Beethoven in the first two films, was named Chris.
  • In the cartoon series, he is voiced by Joel Murray.
  • In Beethoven's Christmas Adventure, he is voiced by Tom Arnold.

